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Professionalism in the legal field

Randy McGinley

Earlier this month, District Attorney Randy McGinley had the honor to be a part of a panel on judicial professionalism. The Chief Justice's Commission on Professionalism put on this virtual continuing legal event that about 850 attendees.

In the past, the Commission has hosted panels of Judges as a "View From the Bench" discussion on professionalism from the eyes of judges. This panel, however, was from the other side. As the event advertised, "But what do lawyers want judges to consider when reflecting on judicial professionalism?"

The panel, which was moderated by Judge Kreuziger of the Griffin Judicial Circuit, consisted of prosecutors, criminal defense attorneys, and civil attorneys. All panel members have vast experience in litigating in courtrooms across Georgia. The panel had the opportunity to discuss and share our thoughts on subjects such as judicial temperament, promoting public confidence in the courts, and ex parte communications (or communications by a judge with just one side, which rules prohibit except in certain circumstances).

From District Attorney Randy McGinley: "We have the greatest court system in the world in our great country. That does not mean that we cannot all work towards making it better. Events like this put on by the Chief Justice's Commission on Professionalism help us strive for self reflection and self improvement. I am beyond honored to be a part of such a great group of lawyers on this panel. Lastly, thank you to my friends and fellow members of the bar that attended this virtual event and sent me screen shots!"

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